Sunday, October 26, 2008

Patty holding a baby doll gourd

Originally uploaded by mmp52.
Patty shared a story about Aunt Madge. She and her sisters would pretend the gourds (like the one in the picture) were baby dolls.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Visit to the Great Pumpkin Patch

Visit to the Great Pumpkin Patch
Originally uploaded by mmp52.
A fun time with Grandmother, Cougle Girls, Kevin & Annie. Looks like we weren't the only ones visiting the Great Pumpkin Patch. Lonnie, Andy, Tristen & Kellsie were there another day.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

One Great Grandma, Two Grandmas & One Mom Equal Lots of Love

Judy, Alison, Kathryn & Marge
Originally uploaded by mmp52.
The Marley family and friends gave Alison and Baby M a very nice Baby Shower this afternoon. Mother and I had a great time watching Alison open all the gifts. We had a fun road trip entering four counties to get to our destination.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pick Your Own Fun

Jim planted this tree Wilma gave their mom and we are reaping the benefits.

Monday, October 06, 2008

The first egg!!!!

The first egg!!!!
Originally uploaded by mmp52.
Nugget was on egg watch today, she spent some time sitting in the nest with clean straw ready for the first egg. By 4:30 I gave up on getting a egg so I turned the girls out. I noticed Nugget under the deck making her own nest in the dirt and by 5:15 we had an egg!

Now I have a new chore gathering the eggs.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Bootie Kamp

Bootie Kamp
Originally uploaded by mmp52.
I graduated from Bootie Kamp. The most important thing I learned babies don't sleep on their stomach anymore always sleep on their back. Babies need plenty of love and attention but I knew that already. So I'm ready to welcome the new baby to our family.