Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Elephant ears

Originally uploaded by mmp52.
Spotted these big elephant ears across from Millie's. My pictures don't do them justice they are gigantic! Jim's friend Gary made a concrete cast of an elephant ear and is going to make a birdbath out of it. I'll get a picture of the finished project..


J.F.K. Farms said...

Marge your pictures are just fine. The bird bath cast will probably be nice , some people also use rhubarb leaves for this. I have all the instructions on how to do this ,just never got around to it yet. Maybe I will make some for the pond. Guess that would be silly as the birds could bathe in the pond. Oh well.

Marge said...

Thanks....I also read that castor bean leaves work well. If I had only know that would have made a great Girl Scout project.